Create and Send a Partner Request


  1. From the LiveIQ toolbar, click Labor.

  2. From the menu bar on the LiveIQ Labor screen, click Maintenance and click Partner Requests.

  3. On the New Partner Request form, select an Employee OR click Expand, then enter the partner’s name, payroll number, email address, cell phone number, date of birth, position, cell carrier.

    You must send one request per person per organization. The recipient’s email address does not need to be the one associated with the LiveIQ Partner account/ID.

  4. Select Invite to Subway® Labor.

  5. Select the type of request (Email or SMS/Text Message).

  6. Select the organization-level permissions or restaurant-level permissions.

    For more information, see Set User Permissions.

  7. Click Send Partner Request.

  8. You can view sent partner requests.